Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Countdown with Books

No pictures for this post and I know I mentioned this idea once before, but had to post about it again as we are loving it! We started a new Christmas Countdown tradition this year. I've probably accumulated about 10 or so children's Christmas themed books over the years. I checked out enough books from the library to have 25 books on hand. I "wrapped" each book in fabric (I couldn't bring myself to waste that much paper - we can reuse this fabric year after year). Each day, we unwrap a book and enjoy quality time reading. The girls and I really look forward to this time together. I tried hard to make sure at least a third of the books were renditions of the actual Christmas story, another third or so were closely tied to the story, the final section are a little more fun - Santa related, etc. (think Polar Express, Twas the Night Before Christmas). I don't have a book for Christmas Day yet, but I'm planning to stick a Bible in there and finish our countdown with the best book of all!

I'll try to come back and comment on some of our favorites. We are just a few days into it. We did read Snowmen at Christmas tonight and I always love that one - it barely ties in the Christmas story, but the illustrations are beautiful and it's such a cute idea.

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